Kratka informacija za grant korisnike
Na ovoj stranici je skup pitanja i odgovora koji su imali korisnici različitih grant šema. Pošto je svaka grant šema specifična za sebe tako su i dokumenti nazvani po grant šemama. Međutim, zbog opštih pravila i procedura savjetuje se svim grantistima da na svoja pitanja potraže odgovore i u dokumentima sa druge grant šeme prije kontaktiranja Ugovornog tijela ili PIU jedinica.
Helpdesk i dalje stoji na raspolaganju.
- Q&A Innovative project ideas
- Q&A Helpdesk support June-Aug 2019 Preparation of full application forms
- Q&A to Grant beneficiaries of GSs managed by Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
- Q&As – Grant Scheme “Collaborative grant scheme for innovative project ideas”:
- QA GBs-Grant contract requirements and amendments to the contract
- 3rd set QandA to SOPEES GBs of GSs managed by Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare and Ministry of Economic Development
- 4th set QandA to SOPEES GBs of GSs managed by Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare and Ministry of Economic Development
- QA GBs-Final report and contract modification training-final